Why is WordPress Better Than Wix?

WordPress has outstanding capabilities when it comes to website customization. In addition, it offers a wide range of plugins that help you manage your site and tailor it to your users’ needs.

It also has eCommerce features that allow you to sell products online. It also allows you to customize your site without having to install additional software.

Ease of Use

While both platforms can be used to create a variety of websites, their ease of use differs greatly. WordPress has a much steeper learning curve than Wix and offers a more comprehensive set of features, including themes and plugins. It is also more expensive than Wix, especially for e-commerce sites.

Wix is a great choice for simple sites, which typically have three pages or less and include a blog. The platform provides a wide range of templates, making it easy to find the perfect design for your site. It also allows you to add features like slideshows, galleries, GIFs, and videos. It also has a built-in SEO feature that helps you optimize your site for Google search results.

WordPress is trying to make itself more user-friendly with the Gutenberg update, which includes a visual editor that makes editing websites even easier. However, the platform still requires some coding knowledge to get the most out of it. Wix, on the other hand, has a lot of features that help beginners get started quickly. It also has a backup and restore feature, which is important for website owners who want to avoid downtime or losing data.


WordPress offers a larger number of customization options than Wix. However, it also requires some technical coding knowledge to use. This can be difficult to learn, but it can be worth the effort if you want a fully functional and customizable site. WordPress also comes with a large community and is open-source, so it’s free to use and customize.

Another important difference between Wix and WordPress is the number of apps and plugins available. Apps and plugins are third-party features that allow you to add new functionality to your website. Wix has a small, curated collection of 300ish apps and does a good job of testing them for compatibility with their platform. WordPress, on the other hand, has a huge library of over a million different plugins.

WordPress is the clear winner in terms of design flexibility. While Wix has a shorter learning curve and offers basic features, WordPress is the most customizable option. For example, WordPress allows you to change your theme and template as often as you like without losing any data or customization.


WordPress has a steeper learning curve but offers more customization options. It also provides more flexibility for eCommerce sites, including features that allow you to sell digital downloads like music, software licenses and eBooks. It also supports multiple user accounts, a site restore feature, and a search engine optimization (SEO) plugin.

Wix makes creating an aesthetically pleasing blog easy with its built-in blogging module. It also has a number of apps that let you manage your content and customize your design. However, its editing interface does not display content elements the same way they will appear on your live website. This can be confusing for new users and requires some coding knowledge to use effectively.

While Wix has improved its ease-of-use with recent updates, it still has a few limitations. Its editor does not display changes in real-time, so you may have to re-edit your site before it looks how you want. Additionally, it is not compatible with all browsers. Its customer support system is based on a ticketing process and only operates during business hours.


WordPress has a number of plugins and apps that you can use to extend its functionality. These are like third-party extensions that allow you to add different functionalities, such as a photo gallery, contact form, social media buttons, and email marketing. Some of these plugins are free, while others require monthly payments. Wix also has its own collection of apps that are designed to work well with its platform.

Its drag-and-drop editor makes it easy to select any element on a page and edit it in a WYSIWYG interface. This makes it ideal for beginners without any coding experience. In addition, it has a wide range of templates and apps that can help you create a website in minutes.

Although Wix offers a variety of templates, it’s not as customizable as WordPress. Its steep learning curve can be intimidating for novice users, but it is a powerful solution for those who want complete control over the design and content of their website. Its ecommerce features are more limited than those of WordPress, but it’s still an excellent choice for small online stores.


The cost of WordPress versus wix depends on your needs and budget. WordPress offers a more versatile website building experience, but this flexibility comes at a price in the form of upfront and maintenance costs. The cost of a WordPress site also varies depending on whether you choose to use free plugins or pay for premium plug-ins.

Both Wix and WordPress offer a variety of templates that can be customized to meet your business’s unique needs. However, Wix’s template library is limited compared to WordPress’s vast selection of themes and plugins.

In terms of SEO, both platforms provide a number of tools to help your site rank higher in search engine results. But while WordPress sites have more options for SEO, they also require you to install and update plugins and handle hosting and security issues yourself.

Both WordPress and Wix offer mobile-friendly websites. But WordPress’s mobile-friendly features include a built-in app that lets you manage your site from anywhere. In addition, it has more customization and design options compared to Wix’s mobile apps.

Author: sonal gupta

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